Diversity Data
Our regulator the SRA asks us to collect and report diversity data. Our most recent Diversity survey was carried out in June 2023.
Everyone in the firm was asked to participate in a survey to ensure our diversity statistics were accurate.
Individuals were given the opportunity not to answer any or all of the questions if they did not wish to. The majority submitted responses to questions.
As required by the SRA we gathered information in relation to role, age, gender, transgender, disability, information about social mobility, health issues limiting day to day activities, ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation, and caring responsibilities.
Data protection legislation rules mean that we must not report data in a way that allows the identification of any individual. The size of our firm is such that as a consequence the information set out below taken from our 2023 survey is in summary form and is limited to data which will not allow the identification of individuals.
Of those members of the firm choosing to participate in the survey and providing information in relation to a particular question:
Age: 77% are under 35 and 23% over 35 and our staff are predominantly female.
None had long term health problems or disability.
Ethnicity and Religion or belief: Our staff have varied ethnicity and varied religious beliefs and no religious belief.
Of those staff educated in the UK 50% were educated in non-selective state run or funded schools and 50% reported that when they were 14 the main household earner was a modern professional.